Okay, before we get into pictures of Buckshot patrons in various stages of wasted, let me just hip y'all to what's happening with delicious malted beverages. We've added a tap and it's got Sam Adams on it. Fuckin' yummy. I like it better on tap that in the bottle--seems like it's a little smoother.
These shots were taken--along with a lot of shots of Jameson--last Friday, January 14, FYI.
Homegirls are Siamese scarf twins:
Some kind of gang sign throwdown is happening here. And I think someone is slyly throwing me the loser "L" behind these ladies:
Yeah, I'd be giving the "gag me" face too if these were my friends. Nah--just fuckin' with y'all, mostly because I'm a dick. You can't really tell, but the guy in the Giants beanie has a Judas Priest "Defenders of the Faith" T-shirt on, which means he pretty much destroyed the fashion comp that night:
[FYI: Rob Halford is a man among men.]
Dude on the left either 1) Just cropdusted a fart so nasty it's making him squint, 2) Needs to go easy on the heroin, 3) Is having a conversation with Yoda on a completely different astral plane:
Or, perhaps, all of the above:
Whole lotta shakin' goin' on here. We've got young love in the lower left. Dude in the middle is either two-fisting it, or bringing dude in the lower right a pint. I hope it's not the latter, because dude in the lower right is about to projectile vomit by the looks of things:
A shit grip of pearly whites here. Except for "Surprised Guy," who reminds me of that elementary school joke, "Cocksucker's Cramp." Do you get it? How often?
Hey good lookin'! We'll be back to pick you up later!
Psst. Hey. Buddy. Don't look now--I SAID DON'T FUCKIN' LOOK!--but there's a zombie next to you:
Do you have a plan? Do you know the rules?
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